Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Some web sites may present more evident signs of false information. However, some may be more subtle. Now that anyone has access to the world wide web, then it is crucial that you evaluate a website for its reliability.  A criteria to evaluate the authenticity and credibility of the information in a web site can include:
  1. DOMAIN:
    • .edu
    • .com
    • .gov
    • .net
    • .org  **you don't know what organization it is**
  2. The author(s) and credentials
  3. Sources mentioned that were used to compile information (reference list)
  4. Logos/ Distracting Graphics
  5. Well written
  6. Up to date
  7. Information is clear and relevant 
  8. Easily accessible
  9. Spelling/ Grammar errors
  10. Is it bias?

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